Product Sales & Solutions: Power Distribution (PDU and RPP)

Approved Emerson /Liebert Solutions Partner

For applications requiring protection from electrical line problems without the need for back-up capability, Emerson Network Power manufactures a full line of power conditioning equipment to shield critical loads from external disturbances. Liebert power distribution systems efficiently deliver this conditioned power to your equipment.

Power Distribution

Static Transfer Swiches

STS2 Static Transfer Switch

STS2 Static Transfer Switch

Provides automatic, seamless transfer between critical load and the outputs of two independent UPS systems in a dual-bus power configuration. If the primary UPS should fail, the switch will automatically transfer the loads to the alternate UPS.

STS2-PDU Static Transfer Switch-Power Distribution Unit

STS2-PDU Static Transfer Switch-Power Distribution Unit

With a single, space-saving unit, the Liebert STS2/PDU static transfer switch/power distribution unit provides power distribution and automatic switching between two different AC power sources.